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Stem Cell Therapy for Autism in India

Stem Cell Therapy for Autism in India: Give Your Child a Self-Reliant Life

As a parent of an autistic child, your dream is to help your child get rid of hyperactivity and overcome the lack of communication and social skills. You want to give your child a self-reliant life. 

But you may fear that your child might lag and won’t be able to acquire the social and communication skills that are essential to live independently. 

Your fear is not unreasonable.

Nevertheless, stem cell therapy for autism in India can help your child live independently. 

Do you want to know how?

Let us help you understand. 

stem cell therapy for autism in india

Embrace Hope with Stem Cell Therapy for Your Child's Autism Journey

Discover the transformative potential of stem cell therapy tailored to your child’s unique needs.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term used for a group of disorders that hamper your child from communicating, socialising, and learning. 

ASD can be diagnosed at any age but if your child has it, you will be able to see the symptoms from the age of 2. That is why it is also called a developmental disorder, too. 

You need to remember that the abilities and needs of autistic children vary. Some may need little to minimal support but some others may need lifelong support. 

Autism can also hamper the education and job opportunities of your child if it is not treated at an early stage. 

Let’s learn about different types of ASD to understand it better.

stem cell treatment for autism in india What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
what is stem cell therapy for autism Different Types of ASD

Different types of ASD

Previously experts used terms like autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). But now, all of these are called Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

Children with Rett Syndrome have similarities with autistic children and experts used to group them into ASD. However, in 2023 the experts have found that genetic mutation is the cause of Rett syndrome which is why it is no longer considered an ASD. 

Let’s have a look at all of them:

Asparagus Syndrome

Your child is on the milder end of the Autism Spectrum  Disorder if they have Asparagus syndrome. The child may be very intelligent and self-reliant while handling their daily life. 

They may be interested in a particular topic or object and talk about that without stopping and may not understand whether you are interested in the topic or not. The child may find it hard to acquire social skills. 

Pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)

The symptoms of PDD-NOS are more severe than Asparagus syndrome. If your child has this disorder, they will have difficulties in social interactions, and verbal and non-verbal communication and may show repetitive behaviour and restricted interests. 

stem cell therapy for autism in india, Asparagus Syndrome, Pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)
Stem Cell Treatment for Autism in India, Classic Autistic disorder, Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD)

Classic Autistic disorder

Classic autistic disorder is also known as Kenner syndrome. Children with autistic disorder may be smart, clever, and attentive. 

However, these kids may have difficulty forming emotional attachments with people. They may also have uncontrollable speech, difficulty in communication, and lack of social skills. The child may have an obsession with handling things and a high level of memory but may have difficulties in other areas of learning. 

Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD)

It is the severest and rarest of the disorder in the spectrum. It has some common symptoms like a regression of developmental and communication skills.

Apart from that children with CDD have a lack of motor skills, bladder and bowel control, social skills and self-care, and expressive and receptive language skills (Receptive language skill means how your child understands language and expressive language skills mean how your child uses words to express their thoughts and emotions). 

What are the different signs & symptoms of ASD?

Your child’s ASD symptoms can be divided into 2 main categories of symptoms. One category shows the challenges and the other category shows their strength.  The doctors diagnose ASD by assessing these challenges and strengths and evaluating the differences in symptoms they have.

The early signs of autism may include: 

  • No eye contact or inconsistent eye contact.
  • Struggle to engage in a conversation where people take turns speaking and responding.
  • Issues with noticing or reacting when you try to interact with them.
  • Talking nonstop without paying heed to whether others are interested or not. 
  • Sensory sensitivity or getting over-aroused by external stimuli like light and sounds.
  • Struggle to understand others’ thoughts, viewpoints, and feelings.
  • May not engage in drawing people’s attention to things they find interesting or enjoyable. 
  • A flat tone of voice.
  • Easily gets upset by changes in routine.
  • Repeat words, behaviour, or phrases.
  • Too much interest in particular things. 
  • Problem in sleeping.

Along with these challenges, an autistic child may have some special qualities. Let’s check them:

  • They may have extraordinary memory for facts and figures
  • They may have high levels of motivation and interest in activities they love
  • They have a thorough knowledge of topics that they like
  • They may use innovative ideas to solve problems
  • They pay attention to details
  • They may be very accurate in tasks
  • When guided properly, they can follow the instructions accurately
  • They may have exceptional creative skills
  • May have the ability to think out of the box
  • May have a unique sense of humour
  • They tend to be honest, unbiased, and loyal in social relationships.

The doctors will diagnose using these challenges and the special qualities of your child. 

How is Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosed?

The doctors can diagnose ASD in a child from the age of 2 years. As a parent or elder, you should carefully monitor whether your child has reached all developmental milestones like walking without support, imitating elders, knowledge of shapes and colours, recognizing objects, and naming them. 

When you see that the child has signs of a problem and missing important milestones, you should immediately reach out to a doctor.

The diagnosis procedures for young children, older children, and adults are different. 

The doctors will diagnose ASD in your young child in two ways:

Step 1: screening for developmental delays

You should approach a doctor for screening of developmental delays if you see issues related to them at the age of 9, 18, 24, or 30 months. 

They may need additional screening if their chances of having ASD are higher as they have family members with ASD, showing typical ASD behaviour, or have certain genetic conditions. 

Step 2: Additional Diagnostic Evaluation

Doctors with experience in diagnosing ASD will do the evaluation. The team of doctors will evaluate your child’s cognitive abilities, language abilities, neurological abilities, and behaviour. They will then assess the child’s age-appropriate skills and how they complete them every day.  

The evaluation may also include blood tests and hearing tests because ASD is a complex disorder that can happen along with other learning disorders or illnesses. 

As a parent, you and your child’s teachers are the ones who will recognize the symptoms of autism in your older child. Older children may have issues understanding humour, the figure of speech, or sarcasm. 

They may have issues understanding body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. When you notice these social and communication difficulties in your child, you should approach a doctor. 

If you have an autistic adult in your family, diagnosing becomes a bit more difficult than diagnosing it in children and adolescents.

Mostly because, their ASD symptoms may overlap with other mental health disorders like anxiety disorder, hyperactivity disorder, or attention deficit disorder. 

A doctor while diagnosing them will ask If they experience communication challenges, repetitive behavior, sensory issues, or restricted interest.

The specialist or the doctor will ask you and your other family members about the adult’s early developmental history. This diagnosis will help the autistic adult with their challenges and strengths and get assistance from a doctor accordingly. 

Now that you know the types of ASD and how to diagnose them, let’s check the advanced treatment for it.

How do regenerative medicines help treat Autism? 

You need to remember that early detection and treatment of your child are important. Mostly because, diagnosing ASD as early as possible means your child will have a significant improvement in their cognitive, communication, and social skills. 

Regenerative medicines can successfully treat autism by restoring damaged cells.  Regenerative medicine aims to repair and replace damaged cells, tissues, and organs to regain their normal function. 

It can help your body heal itself or experts may use the techniques of it to grow tissues and organs in a lab for transplant. 

Experts have found through MRI that some brain regions of an autistic child are different in size compared to a normal child. 

Some children with autism have a larger hippocampus (an area in the brain related to memory). They may have changes in an area called the amygdala which is related to human emotions. They also have fewer tissues in an area called the cerebellum which influences the child’s movement and social interaction skills. 

Regenerative treatment like stem cell therapy can restore the damaged cells and tissues and promote the formation of neurons in your child’s brain. 

Your brain will be able to recover from injury, adapt to new experiences, and learn new things with newly formed neurons. 

how does stem cell therapy work for autism? How do regenerative medicines help treat Autism?

How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work for Autism

You may be worried about the safety and efficiency of stem cell therapy for your child. But you can relax and leave all your worries behind because research indicates that stem cell therapy is safe and effective for your child.

Stem cell therapy uses the regenerative power of stem cells. These cells work like building blocks of your body and they can transform into any specialized cells and perform their function. 

Stem cell’s primary function is to repair and regenerate damaged cells. This quality of it makes it useful in treating autism. 

Stem cells have paracrine and immunomodulatory functions. Paracrine signalling means stem cells release signals in the form of hormones or growth factors to nearby cells and influence their behaviour. 

This helps your body cells coordinate and change their actions and responses according to their environments. 

So when you use stem cell therapy for autism it helps repair and regenerate the damaged tissues by boosting cell growth and healing the surrounding area. 

The immunomodulatory function of the stem cells helps them to modify and regulate your child’s immune system. 

The immunomodulatory and paracrine signalling functions of stem cells help boost the learning, communication, behaviour, and immunity of your child. 

Doctors are using these qualities of stem cells to regenerate and repair the damaged tissues in the brain of an autistic child and adapt their immunity to help them function independently. 

There is a high probability that the damaged neurons of an autistic child’s brain can be regenerated with stem cell therapy.

When integrated with conventional therapies, stem cell treatments offer many benefits, including:

  • Advancements in cognitive function
  • Boosted  learning capabilities
  • Enhanced memory retention
  • Better adaptation to environmental stimuli
  • Improved immune system
stem cell therapy for autism in mumbai Effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy for ASD

Effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy for ASD

If you are planning to opt for stem cell therapy for your child, you should know that it works gradually. 

You may notice a decrease in your child’s hyperactivity within 15 days of undergoing this therapy. You will see a significant improvement in your child, in terms of better eye contact, development in speech and communication, and a boost in their capacity to understand their surroundings. 

If your child is completely non-verbal and speech therapy hasn’t worked for them so far, you should know that stem cell therapy has shown some positive results in these cases. 

Stem cell therapy has a success rate of 50 to 60 percent in mild to moderate cases of autism. The success rate for severe cases is 30 percent.

Experts recommend combining stem cell therapy with ABA therapy for better outcomes. The benefits of this therapy last 3 to 5 years and you can maintain it there after. 

But sometimes there is a decline in results over time in 5 to 10 percent of cases. If this kind of situation comes up, your child’s doctor may ask you to repeat the stem cell therapy cycles until your child achieves functional independence. 

What is the procedure for Stem Cell for Autism?

Here are some important points related to the stem cell therapy procedure that you need to know: 

  • In stem cell therapy there is no surgery involved. It is a very simple method where the healthcare provider injects the stem cells into the patient. 
  • Now the stem cell can be procured from the patient’s blood or fat cells or it can be umbilical cord mesenchymal cells (multipotent stem cells that are taken from bone marrow that are important for making and repairing skeletal tissues, such as cartilage, bone, and the fat found in bone marrow).
  • Your child’s healthcare provider may suggest certain therapies to increase the effectiveness and potency of the stem cells. 
  • Mostly, hyperbaric therapy and ozone therapy are used to increase the effectiveness and potency of the stem cells. Sometimes the doctors may also prescribe speech therapy and physiotherapy to train the stem cells during the period of treatment. 
how stem cell therapy is done? What is the procedure for Stem Cell for Autism?

Once you understand the procedure, you will be curious about the outcomes of stem cell therapy. Here is a glimpse at it:

mesenchymal stem cell therapy side effects What are the outcomes you can expect?

What are the outcomes you can expect?

Here are some of the outcomes you can expect after therapy:

  • Decrease in aggressive behaviour
  • Decrease in hyperactivity
  • Improved eye contact
  • Their attention span is increasing significantly
  • Improvements in communication
  • Social skills started developing
  • Improved motor skills
  • Normalization of reflexes
  • Reduced sensory Integration problems
  • Better tolerability of daily chores

Check some of our Patient’s testimonials

These outcomes are only possible when you have the right team of doctors with you.

What is the importance of choosing the right doctor for Stem Cell Treatment?

Stem Cell therapy is still in the advanced stages of its research. The protocols are not standardized yet. Even the regulatory bodies have not approved these therapies. 

The doctor decides the protocols and their variable parameters. The major variable parameters of the protocol are as follows:

  • source of the stem cells, 
  • number of stem cell cycles, 
  • number of stem cells in each cycle, 
  • the gap between two cycles, 
  • associated therapies like HBOT, Ozone therapy, etc

Moreover, the results vary from patient to patient.

In light of the above facts, it is very crucial to choose the right and experienced stem cell doctor for the treatment and the results

You should choose the stem cell expert whose therapy and associated protocols have statically benefitted many patients with consistent success rates.

However, You don’t need to worry. MedicoExperts has its own experience of observing the protocols and results. This results-oriented research data enables MedicoExperts to suggest the right doctor from its panel based on your disease, severity, age, and symptoms. 

If required, MedicoExperts doesn’t shy away from recommending cross-functional therapies across the different medical sciences.

Stem Cell Therapy explained by Dr. Anant Bagul 

Stem cell therapy for autism in India

India has done some amazing jobs in healthcare and has made some excellent advancements in clinical research and patient-centric technologies. 

Indian researchers and healthcare professionals are actively researching stem cell therapy as the most useful and effective treatment for children with autism. 

Their approach to autism management is based on the capacity of stem cells to increase metabolism and improve the immune system. The best part is the application of stem cell therapy has shown positive outcomes for the brain and its functioning. 

The Indian healthcare system is affordable compared to its Western counterparts and the country’s advanced infrastructure supports cutting-edge facilities and technologies essential for conducting such specialized treatments.

MedicoExperts can help you get stem cell therapy in India. It has helped many parents in their goal to give their autistic children a new and better life. 

stem cell therapy for autism in india, stem cell treatment for autism in india
how stem cell therapy is done Can Stem Cell Therapy be combined with alternative treatments?

Can Stem Cell Therapy be combined with alternative treatments?

You can use a combination of stem cell therapy with ABA therapy, Ayurveda, or Homeopathy to improve the outcome of the treatment. 

When homeopathy is combined with stem cell therapy you will see an improvement of 40 to 60%.

And when you combine stem cell therapy with Ayurveda the quick results you will get from stem cell therapy will be the base for Ayurvedic treatment. In this case, Ayurveda will help your child to sustain the improvement achieved through stem cell therapy. It will also help increase the improvement slowly but steadily. 

The success rate of Stem Cell Treatment for Autism in India

Around 80% of our patients have exhibited notable improvements in multiple ways. The patterns of behaviour found in kids with autism, such as hyperactivity, and participating in repetitive behaviour, have considerably reduced.

Many parents also reported that their children’s concentration, social behaviour, eye contact, ability to understand and follow instructions, and attention span are much better after stem cell treatment in India for autism at our best autism treatment center.

The results in mild and moderate cases are much better than the severe cases of autism. 

stem cell therapy for autism success rate, How successful is stem cell therapy for autism?
Cost of stem cell therapy for autism in India, how much does stem cell therapy cost for autism/

What is the cost of stem cell therapy for autism in India?

The cost of stem cell therapy for autism in India is approximately 400000 INR (4818 USD) to 10,00000 INR (12046 USD).

Your cost may increase or decrease depending on the number of injections needed and the source of the stem cell. 

Additionally, food, accommodation, travelling costs, and the city you are opting for the procedure will impact the overall cost. 


If you are planning to come to India for stem cell therapy for autism, you have made the right decision.

It is a regenerative treatment which is completely safe and requires no surgery. We have tried to equip you with all the necessary information to travel to India for stem cell therapy for autism. 

When you have an idea about the procedure and cost, you can plan your travel better and in advance.

For more information about stem cell therapy for autism in India, you can contact us today.

Stem Cell Therapy For Autism In India - Takeaway

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. Does autism get better with age?

A. Many experts believe that autism is a condition that stays with you lifelong. But the symptoms of it can get better with your age. 

If your child has autism and you treat it from early childhood the symptoms will get better and they will be able to live a self-reliant life without depending on others. 

Q2. Can a child with autism lead a normal life?

Living a normal life with autism is possible. If your child gets the right treatment from the best specialist in early childhood, they can live a normal and independent life. 

Q3. Where should I go for stem cell therapy for autism in Mumbai?

There are many centers and specialists in Mumbai offering system cell treatment but you need to check the success rate of the treatment and whether it is in your budget. 

MedicoExperts can help you get the best stem cell therapy for autism. The best part is that we can connect you to the best team of specialists who will guide you throughout the treatment and offer you the best services with the highest success rate.

Q4. What are the side effects of stem cell therapy for autism?

Stem cell therapy is safe and effective for children. Some of the side effects they can have are low fever, pain in the lower back region, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. 

Q5. Is there any permanent treatment for autism?

Stem cell therapy for autism can give you permanent results that stay lifelong. You will be surprised to know that stem cell therapy has a success rate of 50 to 60% and once you achieve the improvements you can sustain them for the rest of your life. 

Moreover, when you combine stem cell therapy with ABA therapy, Ayurveda, and Homeopathy, you can boost the success rate even further. 

At the same time, you need to understand that you need a team of specialists with a proven track record to make this possible. 

That is why you need to choose them carefully. 

Q6. Can an autistic child speak normally?

Most autistic children have problems with communication and speech. Some of them need minimal support but some need more support. 

You will see significant improvement if you take the help of stem cell therapy. 

Q7. Does stem cell treatment cause tumour?

There is a myth that stem cells cause the growth of tumours. The myth is busted because our doctors are using multipotent stem cells, as these stem cells do not have any kind of tumour-generating marker. 

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MedicoExperts is having a network of highly experienced super specialist doctors and well equipped hospitals across the globe and offering second opinion through online video consultation and surgical interventions through its empanelled super specialist doctors at its network hospitals in 17 countries from 3 continents.
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  • Latest and most advanced treatments with success rates of international benchmarks.
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Most suitable for patients who are looking for:-
  • Planned Surgeries and treatment from most experienced doctors and at multiple cost options as per hospital facilities with best possible outcomes.
  • Second Opinion from expert doctors.
  • Complex cases involving multi specialities
  • International patients looking for treatment from Indian doctors

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  • https://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/autism-spectrum-disorders
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10217468/#:~:text=Pervasive%20developmental%20disorder%20not%20otherwise%20specified%20is%20one%20of%20the,skills%20and%20the%20presence%20of
  • https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd
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  • https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/industry/indias-clinical-research-advancements-trends-witnessed-across-technology-and-patient-centricity/89790819

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Dr Khushbu Jain BDS

Author Bio:

Dr. Khushbu Jain 

Dr. Khushbu Jain is a dedicated professional with a passion for advancing healthcare through cutting-edge treatments. She has a special interest in researching regenerative medicine and advanced treatment for diseases that are difficult to treat with conventional treatment options. Her deep understanding of these progressive treatments allows her to offer patients personalized and effective solutions for a variety of health concerns.

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