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Stem cell therapy in India

Stem Cell Therapy in India: Get the Best Care from Super Specialists

You dream and hope to see your loved ones living a happy and healthy life.

But when that health and happiness can come from a new treatment and travelling to a new country, your mind may have many fears and doubts.  

If you or your dear ones are planning to undergo stem cell therapy in India, you may have doubts, confusion, and fear. 

Mainly because stem cell therapy in India has given many people new lives, at the same time, there are some incidents where promises were not delivered and all sorts of frauds have happened. 

We understand your fears and doubts. But stem cell therapy has shown some remarkable results in treating conditions and diseases that couldn’t be treated by conventional treatment methods. 

Dementia, Parkinson’s, cerebral palsy, autism, and muscular dystrophy, are some conditions where stem cell therapy has shown promising results and India is leading in offering successful stem cell treatment. 

Let’s find out how stem cell therapy in India is changing lives and how to get the best medical care in the country. 

stem cell therapy in india

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Why should you opt for stem cell therapy in India?

You may have doubts about travelling to India and undergoing stem cell therapy. But we would like to tell you that stem cell treatment in India is safe, legal, and effective. 

Besides, India is a popular medical tourism destination for many tourists because of its reasonably priced medical services. 

Indian hospitals use cutting-edge technologies and the procedures are done by super specialists. 

Let’s now understand how it is done. But before that, you must learn about regenerative medicines, stem cells, their unique properties, and how they can help heal your body.

stem cell treatment in india Why should you opt for stem cell therapy in India?
best stem cell treatment in india What are regenerative medicines?

What are regenerative medicines?

Regenerative medicine is a multidisciplinary science and stem cell therapy comes under it.

Its goal is to replace and renew damaged cells, tissues, and organs in your body that happen due to aging, disease, injury, or any birth defects. By doing so, it aims to restore the normal functions of those organs. 

The conventional treatment methods try to manage the symptoms but regenerative treatment focuses on fixing whatever underlying issues you have.

It treats ailments using cell therapies, tissue engineering, and artificial organs. Regenerative treatment combines these technologies and methods to help boost your body’s natural healing power. 

This field of treatment brings together technologies and experts from different disciplines to find solutions for diseases and conditions that conventional treatment methods cannot solve. 

Stem cell therapy is part of regenerative treatment.  Let’s learn about it in detail:

What is a Stem Cell?

Stem cells have some unique properties. These cells can turn into all other cells of your body with different functions such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells, bone cells, and skin cells.

Apart from that, stem cells have the power to repair and replace damaged tissues. In fact, your life journey starts with a single stem cell called a zygote. This stem cell multiplies and creates many stem cells and over time they transform into cells with special functions. 

The new cells that stem cells produce are called daughter cells. These daughter cells are produced either in your body or in a laboratory setting. 

This regenerative power of stem cells makes it super special.

best stem cell therapy in india What is a Stem Cell?

What are the different types of stem cells?

You already know that stem cells can multiply and they either remain as stem cells or transform into specialized cells. This special power of stem cells allows us to divide them into the following five types:

This cell is called totipotent as it has total potential to turn into any specialized cells. They are formed within the first four weeks of the embryo’s development. Zygotes are an example of totipotent cells.

The term pluripotent has come from plural potential. These cells have special potential to change into 220 different adult cells. 

These cells start developing from the sixth week of embryo development. Examples of pluripotent cells are embryonic cells and fetal cells.

Multipotent stem cells can produce multiple cells but they cannot produce all adult cell types. These stem cells have a more limited differentiation potential. 

These cells have the potential to become a variety of related cell types within a specific tissue or organ. 

Though multipotent stem cells cannot work like totipotent or pluripotent stem cells, these cells play an important role in tissue repair, maintenance, and regeneration.

Bone marrow, umbilical cord, and mesenchymal cells are some examples of multipotent cells.

Oligopotent stem cells have some common features of multipotent cells. 

These cells can undergo self-renewal and regeneration only with closely related cell types.

Unipotent stem cells are the least potent and most restricted types of stem cells. An example of this stem cell type is muscle stem cells. 

These cells can undergo self-renewal but they can do that exclusively into a single cell type. Adipose stem cells are examples of unipotent stem cells and they are extracted from adipose tissue.

Understanding these stem cell types is important to understand how stem cells function and how they can heal your body from different ailments. 

What are the sources of stem cells?

There are different sources of stem cells like embryos, adult tissues cord blood. They are sourced from

  • Bone marrow (stem cells are extracted from your bone marrow)
  • The umbilical cord (the cord that connects the mother to the baby. It has 2 types of cells: hematopoietic stem cells [HSCs] and mesenchymal stem cells [MSCs])
  • Placental (It is an organ that forms during pregnancy. 
  • Embryonic tissues (all tissues that come from fertilized eggs)
  • Fetal tissues (tissues that are sourced from dead human embryos or fetuses after an abortion. It may be spontaneous abortion or a stillbirth)
  • Adult tissues ( these stem cells are found throughout your body) 
  • Differentiated somatic cells (different types of cells like skin and muscle cells)

What is Stem cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy is the transplantation of stem cells extracted from your own bone marrow and body fat. Stem cells repair and regenerate your damaged cells.

Experts use the special qualities of these unique cells in stem cell therapy process these extracted cells in the specialized stem cells laboratory and then use them to replace and regenerate the damaged tissue.

Some of the benefits of stem cell therapy are that it minimizes symptoms, avoids future complications, and boosts the functions of your damaged organs.

Stem cell therapy can reduce the symptoms of autism, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, Parkinson’s, osteoarthritis, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and dementia. It helps you regain your functional independence. 

stem cell therapy in india, What is Stem cell Therapy?

Once you understand what stem cells are, you may want to know about the process. Let’s explain that.

best stem cell treatment in india, How is stem cell therapy done?

How is stem cell therapy done?

Check how stem cell therapy is done by MedicoExperts:

  • You need to share your medical history and reports 
  • Then our specialist therapist will conduct some tests and scans to make sure that you are eligible to undergo stem cell therapy.
  • Stem cells will be collected from you once your eligibility is proven for the therapy
  • Experts will then prepare the selective stem cell samples and lab tests them to ensure quality.
  • Then the stem cells will be used for the procedure
  • You will be discharged after doctors monitor you for around a few days
  • You need to come back for a consultation with our stem cell experts as per your requirements. You can also have a video consultation at your convenience. 

What are the benefits of stem cell therapy? 

One of the reasons behind stem cell therapy’s popularity is its benefits. Let’s learn about them

  • Stem cell therapy can reduce pain effectively. These cells are used to repair and regenerate the affected areas lowering pain and inflammation. 
  • Stem cell therapy helps heal wounds and incisions. This therapy boosts the growth of new healthy skin tissues and replaces scarred tissues with newly developed ones.
  • Stem cells have shown excellent progress in treating diseases and conditions like Parkinson’s, Hutchington’s, autism, muscular dystrophy, and cerebral palsy. 
  • These cells are great for autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. 
  • After the procedure, you need minimal recovery time. The focus of this therapy is to help you get functional recovery as soon as possible. 

After learning about the benefits, you need to know whether you are eligible for the procedure.

what does stem cell therapy help with? What are the benefits of stem cell therapy?
best stem cell therapy in india Are you eligible for stem cell therapy?

Are you eligible for stem cell therapy?

You may want to know whether stem cell therapy is the right treatment for you or whether you are the right candidate for this procedure. 

But before that, you need to understand that this therapy is still considered translational research,  which means the treatment and technique are still under research but are used practically. 

Stem cells have shown many positive results in treating diseases and conditions that couldn’t be treated with conventional treatments. 

So if you are planning to undergo stem cell therapy and you have some disease or condition that is untreatable by conventional treatment, you have made the right decision.

Now let’s find out who is eligible for this therapy:

  • If you are above 2 years of age, you are eligible for stem cell therapy.
  • If you have cancer, you can opt for it. 
  • If you have a severe ailment or conditions that cannot be treated by conventional medicines, you are the right candidate for stem cell treatment.
  • If you have brain and spinal cord injury, you can opt for stem cell therapy.
  • If you have severe skin problems and reproductive disorders, you can undergo stem cell therapy.
  • If you have severe kidney diseases, you can opt for this therapy.
  • For osteoarthritis, you can opt for it.

Know If You Are Eligible To Take Stem Cell Therapy

What does stem cell therapy help with? 

Stem cell therapy can help treat the following diseases and conditions.

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cost of stem cell therapy in india, what is the cost of stem cell therapy in india, how much stem cell therapy cost in india

What is the cost of stem cell therapy in India?

The stem cell therapy cost in India starts from 2000 USD (163110 INR) for one cycle and depends on the number of cycles, the patient’s condition, the treating doctor, and the protocol followed.

The patient will have to stay for about 10-30 days to undergo stem cell therapy in India.

In certain cases, depending on the suggested treatment, the patient may have to extend the stay for about 45 days.

The cost of stem cell therapy in India is comparatively lesser and much more affordable than what it would cost in the Western world, apart from having absolutely no waiting time for the treatment.

What is the stem cell therapy success rate in India?

Some of the best stem cell therapy hospitals in India are accessible with the latest innovations supported by state-of-the-art machinery that plays a crucial part in delivering high-quality stem cell treatment in India.

There is an overall success rate of 60 to 80 percent in the use of stem cell therapy in India. Success rates vary, however, depending on the disease being treated, the specialist performing the procedures, and the patient’s condition.

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What our patients are saying?

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How to choose the best doctor for stem cell therapy in India?

While choosing the doctor for stem cell therapy you need to keep in mind the following things:

  1. The doctor will decide the protocol or process of the treatment. The doctor will decide the protocol based on the source of the stem cell, the number of stem cell cycles needed, the gap between the two cycles, and post-treatment additional therapies.
  2. You need to choose an experienced doctor to ensure maximum success in terms of improvements in your symptoms.
  3. You should choose the stem cell expert whose therapy and associated protocols have statically helped patients with consistent success rates.
  4. You can stay away from the worries of choosing a doctor or stem cell experts if you have MedicoExperts to assist you. We will help you find the right doctor from our panel of experts based on your disease, severity, age and the symptoms you have. 

How do we help our international patients?

We try to help our international patients every step of the way to ease your journey of healing. Here is a step-by-step guide.

  1. You need to fill out MedicoExperts’s free consultation form
  2. Our team will contact you immediately
  3. Then the team will ask you to send your medical reports 
  4. After evaluating your report our team will inform you about the best possible solution for you
  5. We will prepare an itinerary that best suits you, keeping in mind your budget and comfort levels. 
  6. We will also arrange your visa assistance and the moment you will land in India we will take care of every aspect of your travel, from pick and drop from the airport to your food and accommodation.
  7. We will offer you options from the best hospitals and centers in India under your budget. 
  8. You will undergo stem cell therapy and after that, our experts will help you with post-procedure follow-ups and therapies.
what does stem cell therapy help with How do we help our international patients?
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Best stem cell treatment in India

Travelling to a completely new country and undergoing treatment or procedure can be intimidating for you. MedicoExperts understands your doubts and fears and that is why we assist you in travelling to India and finding the best hospital and doctor, food, and accommodation, all under your budget. 

We ensure that you get nothing but the best medical services under your budget. To know more about how we can help you get the best stem cell treatment in India, call us today. 


Coming to India for your stem cell therapy is the best decision you have made to get a healthier tomorrow. Stem cell therapy in India is both safe and effective. 

India has the best hospitals and doctors who focus not only on the advanced nature of these treatments but also ensure that the safety and legal standards are maintained without fail. 

Our specialists aim to offer you the highest quality care within your budget. 

MedicoExperts will handhold you and guide you throughout your journey to make sure you successfully get treated and regain your health. 

Stem Cell Therapy In India - Takeaway

To know more about Stem Cell Therapy from our experts, contact us now!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. What food repairs cells?

There are some amazing cell-repairing and regenerative foods like fatty fish, green and leafy vegetables, turmeric, nuts and seeds, and citrus fruits.

Q2. How can I naturally increase stem cells?

You can naturally increase stem cells by:

  • Exercising 40-45 minutes every day. 
  • Adding regenerative foods like green leafy vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, ginger, mushrooms, and fatty fish.
  • Getting adequate sleep. Remember insomnia reduces stem cell activity by 50%.

Q3. Do you provide travel and accommodation?

Yes, we help offer you budget-friendly options for travel and accommodation.

Q4. Are there any side effects of stem cell therapy?

Some minor side effects of stem cell therapy are:

  • Mild fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Swelling 
  • Bruising
  • Tingling numbness

Q5. Give some tips to prepare for my first stem cell therapy.

Here are some tips for you to prepare for your first stem cell therapy:

  • Have a diet suggested by your dietician based on your disease or condition
  • Stop taking anti-inflammatory medicines
  • Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine
  • Before taking any supplement talk to your doctor
  • Stay active and if you want to do heavy exercise, consult your doctor

Q6. Give some tips for post-stem cell therapy recover.

Here are some tips for the post-stem cell therapy recovery process:

  • Avoid strenuous activities for 4-5 days (15 days for elderly patients).
  • Avoid flights for 12- 24 hours post-treatment to prevent headaches, especially if you are a liver cirrhosis patient.
  • Avoid tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and caffeine.

Q7. Can you treat more than one area at a time with stem cell therapy?

Stem cells have the power to heal any areas of your body which are damaged or injured. But in stem cell therapy doctors specifically target the most affected area. Though stem cell therapy will treat more than one area, the targeted area will benefit the most.

Q8. Is stem cell therapy legal in India?

Stem cell therapy is legal in India, as it is under the watch of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO).

It supervises clinical trials, approves the marketing of stem cell products, and authorizes the production of pharmaceuticals.

Q9. Is stem cell therapy safe in India?

Stem cell therapy in India is completely safe. It has some minor side effects but the Indian government is committed to ensuring that the procedures are safe and effective for you.

Q10. How can I get stem cell therapy?

If you have a disease or condition that is untreatable by conventional treatments, you can undergo stem cell therapy. For that, you need to approach a reputable center or hospital and consult a doctor who has a proven track record of treating people with stem cell therapy.

Q11. Can stem cell therapy in India cure diseases and conditions?

Stem cell therapy can help you heal from leukaemia, non-Hodgkin, some solid tumors, autism, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, chronic kidney disease, spinal cord injury, erectile dysfunction, knee pain, hip pain, diabetes, infertility, dementia, burn injuries.

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MedicoExperts is a Global virtual hospital which is established to offer quality healthcare services at affordable pricing without compromising the success rates of the treatment.
MedicoExperts is having a network of highly experienced super specialist doctors and well equipped hospitals across the globe and offering second opinion through online video consultation and surgical interventions through its empanelled super specialist doctors at its network hospitals in 17 countries from 3 continents.
By the virtue of its approach and model, MedicoExperts is successfully achieve to deliver

  • Latest and most advanced treatments with success rates of international benchmarks.
  • Multiple cost options depending upon the hospital facilities, with the same doctor.
  • Treatment option in multiple cities/state/countries.
  • Trust and peace of mind.

Most suitable for patients who are looking for:-
  • Planned Surgeries and treatment from most experienced doctors and at multiple cost options as per hospital facilities with best possible outcomes.
  • Second Opinion from expert doctors.
  • Complex cases involving multi specialities
  • International patients looking for treatment from Indian doctors

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Medically Reviewed By MedicoExperts Editorial & Clinically Review Board On 6 June 2024

Dr. Khushbu Jain

Author Bio:

Dr. Khushbu Jain 

Dr. Khushbu Jain is a dedicated professional with a passion for advancing healthcare through cutting-edge treatments. She has a special interest in researching regenerative medicine and advanced treatment for diseases that are difficult to treat with conventional treatment options. Her deep understanding of these progressive treatments allows her to offer patients personalized and effective solutions for a variety of health concerns.

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