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Spinal cord injury complications

Are you tired of taking the help of someone to do your daily chores and are looking for a viable treatment solution to reverse the impact of spinal cord injury on your life?

If yes! Then we have something useful for you.

We feel your desire to relive the life you were living before the uneventful accident that has now disabled you to even perform your daily chores. Depending on others to help you perform even the minutest chore is something we do not want you to live with. 

Living a life where you have to depend on someone else even to perform the minutest task is often depressing and it often decreases your self-esteem.

But not anymore! With advanced stem cell therapy, you can regain the mobility and nerve senses back that you lost after the uneventful accident. Consider the innovative stem cell therapy and improve the quality of your life.

Live life as per your desire and do the things that you want to without depending on others with cell-based therapy for spinal cord injury.

But before understanding how stem cell therapy helps in regaining your lost nerve function let us first understand spinal cord injury complications.

What are the common spinal cord injury complications?

symptoms of optic nerve damage | MedicoExperts

The common spinal cord injury complications include:

1. Paralysis:

Paralysis is one of the most common complications of spinal cord injury. To ensure easy mobility the doctors may recommend a wheelchair.

The inability to move the affected body part may hamper the blood supply to that part of the body which may further cause symptoms like lightheadedness, cold feet, and dizziness.

2. Inability to control the bladder:

Sometimes after a spinal cord injury, people tend to lose control over their bladder because the injured spinal cord may sometimes fail to carry messages from the brain to the bladder and vice-versa.

The inability to control bladder movement can sometimes cause urinary tract infection which can complicate several other health parameters like blood glucose levels.

3. Lack of control over bowel movement:

Spinal cord injury can affect your ability to control bowel movement because the connecting path that helps in sending signals from the brain to the bowels and vice versa gets damaged.

Your inability to control your bowel movement can sometimes cause embarrassment. Also if you have no one to take care of you may end up getting severely infected.

4. Ulceration at pressure points of the body:

Sometimes due to damage to the nerves people with spinal cord injury, people fail to sense any sensation like coldness and pain. Due to lack of this sensation, people with spinal cord injury do not feel sensation so they fail to acknowledge any injury.

Untreated injury with a lack of sensation at pressure points can ulcerate. The ulceration can sometimes cause irreversible damage.

5. Changes in muscle tone:

Sometimes people with spinal cord injury may experience changes in muscle tone. The muscles can sometimes become too tense and cause spasticity or contracture or too loose to cause flaccidity.  

Apart from the above-stated complications, people with spinal cord injury may also experience depression, altered sexual health, pain and sudden alteration in weight.

How can you avoid developing complications of spinal cord injury?

spinal cord injury complications

Every spinal cord injury is unique and based on the location of the injury the complications can also differ and so is the conventional approach which differs based on the part affected.

Although conventional treatment offers to help you with symptoms and not cure. Also, conventional treatment and therapies do not reverse your condition.

However, unlike conventional therapies stem cell therapy offers to heal the spinal cord injury thereby improving the quality of your life. By repairing the injury caused to the spinal cord, the cell-based therapy also reduces your risk of developing any complications that may occur if spinal cord injury is left untreated for long.

How does regenerative stem cell therapy work to repair spinal cord injury?

symptoms of optic nerve damage | MedicoExperts

Stem cell treatments for spinal cord injury work by regenerating and repairing damaged spinal cord cells by injecting stem cells directly into the site of injury. Once the stem cells are injected they enhance the natural healing of the affected area thereby, bringing mobility and freedom back into the body.

The healing and curative property of stem cells is not hidden from us. It is these stem cells that are responsible for the development of a baby from a single cell. Also, these stem cells play a crucial role in the growth and development of a child.

Unlike the common misconception that stem cells are present in newborns and fetuses, stem cells are present in the bone marrow and fat cells of adults. When these adult stem cells are harvested and processed they possess amazing healing and regenerative properties. 

With stem cell treatment give yourself a new lease of life where you can perform your daily chores efficiently and without depending on anyone.


Stem cell therapy has emerged as a viable treatment for repairing spinal cord injury and minimizing your risk of developing spinal cord injury complications. With the innovative stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury, live a life with self-esteem.

Do not depend on anyone to help you with your daily chores, but you take the first step and choose the innovative stem cell therapy to repair your spinal cord injury

If you want to read more about stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury, pl visit our Stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury.

If you want to know more about or need help in any aspect of stem cell therapy, please click button


Que: What causes spinal cord injury?

Ans: Spinal cord injury is usually caused after an accident or trauma. However sometimes certain health conditions like arthritis, cancer, degeneration of the spine and infection can also cause spinal cord injury.

Que: What are the secondary complications of spinal cord injury?

Ans: The common secondary complications of spinal cord injury are:
– Difficulty in breathing
– Inability to control bowel and bladder movement
– Loss of sensation
– Paralysis
– Pain in joints
– Depression
– Inability to move independently

Que: What happens if a spinal cord injury is left untreated?

Ans: You may develop severe complications like difficulty in breathing, loss of sensation, difficulty in controlling bladder and bowel movement. 

If you do not get enough care you may develop ulceration, urinary tract infection, and depression.

Author: MedicoExperts

A Global Virtual Hospital

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