Half of the men between the ages of 40 and 70 suffer from erectile dysfunction to some degree.
There are many underlying reasons that may result in erectile dysfunction such as High blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, surgery (for example prostate surgery), psychological issues, and of course. If you want to know more about the causes of erectile function in detail, you may like to visit <this page>
Since the problem is massive, there are many treatment options that are available for the treatment of erectile dysfunctions. These options include PDE5 inhibitors (like viagra), injections, penile implants, and stem cell therapy. If you want to know more about the different options for erectile dysfunctions, you may like to visit Different treatments options for Erectile Dysfunction.
If you want to understand the pros and cons of each of the treatment options of erectile dysfunction, you may like to visit Erectile dysfunction treatment with its pros and cons
As the technology is advancing and researchers are more focused on finding a permanent cure for erectile dysfunction which will solve the issue more in natural ways with less or no side effects. Stem cell therapy has emerged as a promising treatment option for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. If you want to know more about stem cell therapy please visit stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction.
There are som many people who are opting for stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction as its curative and long-lasting solution. Researchers are pleased with the results of stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction, particularly because the person with ED who had previously experienced no benefit from traditional medical treatment continues to have a good erectile function after a few years. This indicates it is a long-term solution.
Though stem cell has emerged as a leading solution, you should understand the side effects of stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction before you decide.
4 side effects of stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction
Since stem cell therapy is a needle-based treatment for erectile dysfunction in which your own cells are taken and processed in a special laboratory and then injected back to treat you, there are no side effects which are due to surgery or medication or rejection due to foreign body.
However, there is no therapy that does not have its side effects. In the case of stem cell therapy for erectile function, The side effects are listed below. The irony is few consider the listed side effects as negative and at the same time, many consider them positive and are happy with the side effects.
How you see them, is up to you, but you should definitely know before reaching a decision.
Since the therapy is focused on rejuvenating the sexual functions in totality through your own stem cells, The following changes are observed in many patients.
1. Increase the length of the penis:

You should expect an increase in the length of the penis after the stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction.
This is expected because Stem cells are injected into the penis which converts themself to penis cells which results in an increase in the length of the penis.
2. Increase the girth of the penis:

You should expect an increase in girth ( circumference) of the penis after the stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction.
The reason is the same as described in point number one.
3. Increase sensation:

You should expect an improvement in the sensation in the penis. With the increased sensitivity you can take pleasure from the sexual act. The good news is that after stem cell you can improve your sensitivity and resume enjoying your sex life.
4. Improved rigidity:

Stem cell therapy boosts muscle strength and helps the penis to get strength and improve rigidity.
However, In quantitative terms how much increase in length is expected in your case can be answered by your stem cell expert.
If these factors are important for you, you should definitely discuss and understand them with your stem cell expert before you make the final decision.
The stem cell is a cell that has the capability to change into different types of cells. This capability makes stem cells a perfect solution for erectile dysfunction. Since this therapy rejuvenates the sexual function in totality, you can expect an increase in length, girth, sensation, and extra rigidity in your penis in erected state.
If you want to know more about stem cell therapy please visit stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction.
If you have any further questions which you want to ask with the stem cell expert, please click
What is the current status of Stem cell therapy from the regulatory framework?
The stem cell-based therapy is in the research phase and not yet formally approved by ICMR. However, the application of stem cells, popularly known as bone marrow transplants, in blood-related disorders is approved by ICMR.