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9 Prostate cancer prevention tips

9 Tips For Prostate Cancer Prevention

Prostate cancer is the world’s second most common cancer among men. There were 1.41 million cases new cases of prostate cancer in 2020 according to WHO. 

If cancer is detected and treated early, mortality rates can be reduced. However, we can there are certain ways from which we can defer these diseases.  

prostate cancer prevention tips also depends on our lifestyle and healthy eating habits. Globally, people can manage the disease with some tips and careful lifestyle choices. 

Before understanding the prostate cancer prevention tips let’s first understand what causes it. 

What is the main cause of Prostate cancer?

The exact cause of prostate cancer, like all types of cancer, is difficult to pinpoint. Multiple factors, such as genetics and exposure to environmental toxins such as certain chemicals or radiation, may be involved in many cases.

Mutations in your DNA, or genetic material, eventually lead to the development of cancerous cells. The cells in your prostate begin to grow uncontrollably and abnormally as a result of these mutations. Cells that are abnormal or cancerous continue to divide and grow until a tumor forms. If you have an aggressive type of prostate cancer, the cells may metastasize, or spread to other parts of your body, leaving the original tumor site.

Prostate cancer risk factors

Risk factors that may affect your chances of developing prostate cancer include family history, Age, Race, geographical location, and diet. 

The risk factors and other important aspects are covered in detail on  https://www.medicoexperts.com/prostate-cancer/

How to avoid prostate cancer?


prostate cancer prevention tips

What can we do to avoid the risk of having prostate cancer or its recurrence? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by people to the experts. The basic of avoiding risk for prostate cancer is maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise regime, and healthy body mass index (BMI). Well, no established prevention strategy is there to avoid prostate cancer, but studies suggest that diet and exercise regimes play a key role in the management of this disease.

9 prostate cancer prevention tips

1. Consume fresh vegetables and fruits: 

Vitamins and nutrients found in vegetables and fruits, which helps in breaking down the cancer causing compounds known as carcinogens. A rich diet in nutrients filled vegetables and fruits also help in reducing the junk food consumption on daily basis.

Consume fresh vegetables and fruits is the one of the best tip from prostate cancer prevention tips 

2. Eat red food more: 

Eat more red food such as watermelon, tomatoes as these food contain lycopene – a strong antioxidant, which help decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer

3. Quit smoking: 

If you are a smoker then you may be at greater risk of having prostate cancer or recurrence of the disease.

4. Sip the coffee: 

Coffee consumption is also linked to reduce the chances of prostate cancer development. Three cups may decrease the prostate cancer by around 11%. Kahweol and cafestol present in coffee are good cancer fighting agents. But higher doses of caffeine present in the coffee may cause other serious side effects too.

Coffee is the one of the best tip from prostate cancer prevention tips.

5. Replace animal fat with plant-based fat: 

Studies suggest that replacing animal source fat with plant-based fat in diet will help in reducing risk of prostate cancer. For instance:

  • Replace butter with olive oil
  • Candy with fruit
  • Packaged foods with fresh vegetables
  • Cheese with seeds and nuts
  • Avoid overcooked meat because it releases carcinogens.

6. Include isoflavone rich food in diet: 

Isoflavones is a compound, which helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Isoflavone is present in these foods:

  • Lentils
  • Tofu (made from soybeans)
  • Alfalfa sprouts
  • Chickpeas
  • Peanuts

7. Be cautious about healthy food options

Omega-3 fatty acids and fish: Both omega-3 fatty acid and fish are considered to be healthy diet options, which stands true but consumption of these food in diet is more than recommended quantities may induce prostate cancer. In some varieties of fish including salmon, tuna, trout, sardines and mackerel are known to have omega-3.

Folate: Some studies suggest that low Folate levels in the body beyond recommended limits may also enhance the prostate cancer risk. But lab-made folic acid may also put you on higher risk of prostate cancer. Certain food including whole grains, green vegetables, breakfast cereals and beans are source of natural folate.

Dairy: Diet rich in calcium content such as dairy may also cause prostate cancer. So over consumption of dairy products should be avoided.

8. Speak with your doctor: 

You may also consult with your family physician about risk of developing prostate cancer as he knows your family history and can advise you better for potential risk. Inform the doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms:

  • Blood in semen or urine
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Pain in rectal or pelvic region

9. Exercise regularly: 

Obesity may also induce the risk of prostate cancer, so regular exercise and maintaining healthy weight are good for improved metabolism and muscle mass. One may indulge in swimming, cycling, walking and running.

As we discussed above 9 prostate cancer prevention tips here we come to conclusion,


Preventing cancer is way better and easier than handling it. All you need to do is to follow the tips mentioned above.

Focus on healthy lifestyle habits which include adding foods to your diet that may lower your cancer risk, regular exercise, and finding ways to reduce your stress.

If you feel that we have missed out on any tips on our list you can suggest us in the comment section below.

However, if you are already diagnosed with prostate cancer then consulting with the doctor and getting the treatment started with the right expert at the right time is the key to increasing the survival ratios. 

If you want more information including advanced treatment options for prostate cancer, the cost of prostate cancer treatment, you may like to visit https://www.medicoexperts.com/prostate-cancer/ for detailed information.

Author: MedicoExperts

A Global Virtual Hospital

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