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Causes of Liver Cancer

Causes of Liver Cancer

Understanding the Causes of Liver Cancer

Liver cancer develops when abnormal cells in the liver grow uncontrollably, often due to underlying risk factors. The causes of liver cancer vary, with some linked to lifestyle habits, infections, or genetic predisposition. Identifying these risk factors is essential for early detection and prevention.

What are the Causes of Liver Cancer?

Here are some common causes of liver cancer:

One hazardous impact of alcohol consumption is its effect on the liver, particularly when a person drinks too much. This particular factor has been evidenced by numerous well-documented studies.

This also causes a rise in the chances of acquiring non-alcoholic fatty liver disease hence causing liver cancer.

This toxic chemical sometimes occurs in well water.

This chemical is used in several plastics.

Around the world, the most common risk factor for liver cancer is chronic (long-term) infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). These infections cause cirrhosis of the liver and make liver cancer the most common cancer in many parts of the globe.

Smoking leads to an increased risk of liver cancer. Those who have smoked and quit are at lower risk than those who continue to smoke, but both groups are at higher risk than those who have never smoked.

Anabolic steroids are masculine hormones used by certain athletes to increase their strength and muscle mass. Prolonged use of anabolic steroids may slightly increase the risk of hepatocellular cancer.

Ways to Prevent Liver Cancer

HBV can result in cirrhosis, build-up of fluid in the abdomen, liver failure, and liver cancer. There are vaccines for hepatitis B for children as well as individuals of all ages. If you are already in a group prone to getting hepatitis B or C, it may be advisable for you to get a screening.

In the case of chronic hepatitis B, you may be prescribed antiviral medications that can help slow down the development of liver cirrhosis and lower the risk (though not completely eradicated) of liver cancer. Specifically, there are no vaccines for Hepatitis C but by getting the right treatment, the virus can be eradicated from your body.

Patients with chronic hepatitis should visit their doctors for frequent check-ups with imaging techniques like ultrasound, CT, MRI, or any other technique that their doctors prefer.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. What are the main causes of liver cancer?

A. The main causes of liver cancer include chronic hepatitis B or C infections, cirrhosis, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, and exposure to aflatoxins.

Q2. Can liver cancer develop without risk factors?

A. While liver cancer is often linked to known risk factors, some cases occur without any clear cause, possibly due to genetic mutations or unknown environmental triggers.

Q3. Does alcohol consumption increase the risk of liver cancer?

A. Yes, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver cirrhosis, a major risk factor for liver cancer, by causing long-term liver damage and scarring.

Next in Liver Cancer

Diagnosis of Liver Cancer

Dr. Yashashree Joshi

Author Bio:

Dr. Yashashree Joshi – MBBS, MD (Philippines)

Dr. Yashashree Joshi, MD, is a globally-trained oncologist with a robust academic background and extensive experience in pioneering cancer treatments. Dedicated to patient-centered care, she continually integrates the latest advancements in oncology to provide her patients with innovative and personalized treatment plans.

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