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Combination therapy – A Unique Approach to Autism Treatment That Delivers Predictable Results

Combination therapy – A Unique Approach to Autism Treatment That Delivers Predictable Results

Are you exhausted from running around doctors for the treatment of autism without seeing any promising and predictable result?

With our experience of treating thousands of Autistic kids, we’ve found that relying on a single therapy or medical science is not sufficient enough to give the results you are looking for. Autism is a complex condition, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply isn’t enough to achieve the desired results.

Most of the patients find themselves stuck and not able to see any progress in their kids. If you are also in the same stage, perhaps you are also trying just one therapy or its variant of medical science and might be waiting for results. 

However, the good news is, By Combination therapy which is essentially an integration of the strengths of multiple medical sciences – such as Allopathy, Advanced regenerative medical science, Homeopathy, and Ayurveda, we are able to see substantial improvement in results in predictable time frames.

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combination therapy for autism

Results You Can Expect from Combination Therapy for Autism

You can expect your child to become 

  • Self-sufficient 
  • Start recognizing you as a parent 
  • Start playing with other children
  • Decrease in aggressive behavior
  • Decrease in hyperactivity
  • Improved eye contact
  • Significant improvement in attention span
  • Improved motor skills

with this unique combination therapy approach without any side effects & within the timeframe of 4 months to 2 years. 

Glimpse of the results that the Combination Therapy approach generates

Understanding the good part of different medical sciences

There is nothing wrong with any specific medical science, But the focus and approach of each medical science is different. And on a standalone basis, none is able to give predictable results in a defined timeframe. 

Combination therapy is evolved using the all the strengths of these therapies. The strengths and summarised details of each therapy are as follows. 

Applied Behaviour Analysis, also called ABA therapy is a behaviour-based therapy that focuses on the learning & improvement of social & communication skills of your child which in turn will make the child self-sufficient.

The experts will study the behaviour of your child closely and try to find how your child will react to a particular stimulus or prompt and note down their reaction. 

In short, this therapy aims to boost constructive behaviour and reduce disruptive behaviour.

The ABC model is an important part of ABA therapy. ABC means Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence. This model helps therapists understand why certain behaviours take place and what would be the right approach for them. 

Your child can join a one-on-one session or groups and the doctors can conduct it at a place of your preference, such as your home, your child’s school, or therapy centers. 

However, while ABA therapy has many good points, it also has some setbacks. The biggest one is that there is no timeline defined as to when you will be able to see improvements in your child. 

Mostly because human behaviour is complex to understand and each child or adult is different. This means it’s important for you to be patient and be consistent while the therapy goes on.

If you want to see results in a predictable timeframe, relying on ABA therapy alone may not work for you.

Researchers who have been practising for years have found that regenerative therapy is very effective for children with Autism.

Regenerative therapy works on the Cell level and specifically the cells which are the basic building blocks of the body. These cells have a special ability to repair & regenerate the damaged cells in the body.

Doctors will use these cells to repair the damaged part of their brain after which you will see definitive changes in your child’s behaviour and overall health. 

Along with this Therapy, supportive therapies such as HBOT & Ozone therapies are also used, which stimulate the regeneration process.

Simply put, you will see progress in your child in stages with the help of regenerative Therapy. 

The success rates vary from doctor to doctor since each doctor follows a different protocol. Not all protocols always give out the best results. 

Regenerative therapy also needs the support of ABA therapy and if the generated results are not sufficient or don’t sustain, other medical sciences help. 

Homeopathy aims to bring out your natural healing abilities. It focuses on bringing a balance to your health and overall well-being. 

With Homeopathy you do not need to fear the poking of needles or the pain of surgeries as it has a very gentle approach. 

As a parent, the major concern they face is giving medicines to their children as most of them have a bitter taste to it. But Homeopathy medications are small medicine-infused balls that taste as sweet as candy.

Yet again, you will need a Homeopathic doctor who understands the ins and outs of Autism and has successfully handled Autistic cases in the past.

Ayurveda believes five basic elements Pancamahabhutas (space, air, fire, water, and earth) manifest in the human body as three basic humours known as tridosas(Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). These three govern the creation, maintenance, and destruction of bodily tissues as well as the assimilation and elimination.

Ayurveda focuses on correcting the balance of these elements and doshas. 

Ayurveda therapies typically consist of herbal medications along with External therapies that are known as Panchakarma therapies.

As said in the beginning, Ayurveda alone will not be helpful if your child has severe autism where all three doshas are present. 

By combining the strengths of these medical sciences, we can achieve results that no single therapy can provide on a stand-alone basis.

By combining the strengths of these medical sciences, we can achieve results that no single therapy can provide on a stand-alone basis.

Typical Challenges of Combination Therapy

The biggest challenge is such kinds of cross-functional therapies from different medical sciences is to find the doctors who specialises in Autism treatment and also willing to work as a team for combination therapy.

This is because the doctor of one medical science doesn’t know the other medical science. Moreover, autism is an area where results are very difficult and unpredictable. 

This was even a big challenge for us. However, with the support of thousands of patients & working with hundreds of doctors, and investing almost a decade we’ve created a treatment plan that brings predictability to both the results and the timeline.

Today, we have a team of doctors across different medical sciences who are the best at treating Autism and willing to collaborate with others for coordinated results even if Each child’s problem is unique and the solution must also be different.

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Can Combination therapy treat every autistic case?

Having said that we are able to predict the results and timeframe, but we’re not yet able to predict results for every autistic child. 

There are certain age groups and conditions where outcomes may vary by 30-40%. However, our success rates are continually improving as we refine our approach.

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Steps of Combination Therapy

  1. Comprehensive Case Analysis: We start with an in-depth review of your child’s case, including videos, medical history, and assessments.
  2. Custom Protocol Design: Based on the analysis, we create a personalized treatment plan that may involve 2-3 or even all of the medical sciences (Allopathy (Neurology/ABA therapy), Advanced regenerative sciences, homeopathy, and Ayurveda).
  3. Therapies with specific doctors as per the advice.
  4. Ongoing Observation and Adjustment: We closely monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to ensure the best possible outcomes.

What We Need from You to Give Results

To maximize the benefits of our approach, we ask that you:

  • Start the treatment at an early age.
  • Our results are far better in younger age groups than in teenagers and adults
  • Follow the advice and take therapies/ medication/ diets consistently.
  • Give periodic feedback to calibrate the protocol and medications
  • Have patience and support the kid to become self-sufficient. 
What we expect from patients
What you can expect from treatment

What You Can Expect from Combination Therapy for Autism

Here are some of the outcomes you can expect after therapy:

  • Decrease in aggressive behavior
  • Decrease in hyperactivity
  • Improved eye contact
  • Their attention span is increasing significantly
  • Improvements in communication
  • Social skills started developing
  • Improved motor skills
  • Normalization of reflexes
  • Reduced sensory Integration problems
  • Better tolerability of daily chores

These improvements make the Combination therapy the most effective treatment for autism.

Our patient selection criteria 

Since, every child is unique and has different needs and therefore needs a tailor-made protocol, these are cases where we can give predictability based on statistical results that we have generated but in some cases, we may tell you that we can take up on a best efforts basis. 

We take a call on the condition, needs, age, degree, and many other factors.


Ready to Find Out If Combination Therapy Is Right for Your Child?

The best way to determine if our combination therapy can benefit your child is to get in touch with us.

One of our experts will assess your child’s case – free of charge – and let you know if we can help. 

We only charge when we take on a case. 

Contact us today to see if your child can benefit from this unique treatment approach.

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