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Laser Angioplasty in India

Laser Angioplasty in India: Your Path to Cardiac Health

As per the latest findings from the Global Burden of Disease study and as reported by the Institute for Health Metrics at the University of Washington in Seattle, it has been revealed that India experiences a mortality rate of 272 per 100,000 individuals due to cardiovascular diseases. This figure surpasses the global average of 235.

The good news is that with the advancement of technology, the fear that cardiac issues once provoked has reduced.   

Luckily, the advancement of technology has helped treat cardiac issues successfully. Laser angioplasty is one such instance of technological advancement and it has an 80% success rate. 

To know more about this cutting-edge procedure, let’s learn more.

Thomas lives in Lagos, Nigeria. a life filled with ambition and dreams. His life took a complete u-turn when one afternoon, while at work, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. The sensation gripped his heart and sent shockwaves throughout his body. 

Terrified and struggling to breathe, he was rushed to a nearby hospital.

After tests and examinations, Thomas was diagnosed with severe coronary artery disease. His arteries were clogged, hindering the flow of blood to his heart. 

The doctors in Lagos informed him that without immediate intervention, he was at risk of a heart attack, which could be fatal.

Desperate to find a solution, Thomas and his family started exploring treatment options. However, the local hospitals in Nigeria lacked the advanced facilities and expertise required for the complex procedure he needed – laser angioplasty. His family reached out to various medical professionals in the country, but the cost of the procedure was astronomical, and they couldn’t afford it.

Cardiac Laser Angioplasty
tomotherapy treatment

Amidst their despair, a glimmer of hope emerged. Through their network of friends and acquaintances, they learned about MedicoExperts, an organization that specializes in medical tourism and connecting patients with top-notch doctors and hospitals around the world. 

Thomas’s family decided to reach out to them, hoping for a miracle.

MedicoExperts understood the urgency of Thomas’s situation. They quickly got to work, leveraging their extensive network of medical experts and facilities to find the best solution. After careful consideration, they recommended a renowned cardiologist in India who was an expert in laser angioplasty.

The team at MedicoExperts facilitated all the necessary arrangements. They also negotiated the cost of the procedure, ensuring that Thomas would receive world-class treatment at a fraction of the price he had been quoted locally.

Thomas and his family traveled to India with renewed hope. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by a team of MedicoExperts representatives who escorted them to the chosen hospital. 

Under the expert care of our cardiologists, Thomas underwent a successful laser angioplasty procedure. The operation was a turning point in his life. With the blockages in his arteries cleared Thomas felt healthier again.

The experience of receiving world-class healthcare in a foreign land was made smoother by the constant support and guidance provided by MedicoExperts.

After a few weeks, Thomas was ready to return to Nigeria, his heart on the mend, and his dreams rekindled. MedicoExperts continued to assist with post-operative care and follow-up consultations to ensure his full recovery.

Stories like this bring that much-needed glimmer of hope to your life, isn’t it?

Cutting-edge procedures like laser angioplasty have made it possible to keep that light of hope ignited. To understand how, let’s learn what is laser angioplasty.

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what is laser angioplasty

What is laser angioplasty?

Simply put, laser angioplasty is a medical procedure used to treat blocked or narrowed blood vessels, mostly arteries. The doctors use a special laser to remove or vaporize the plaque buildup or blockage within the blood vessel, restoring proper blood flow.

During the procedure, your doctor will insert a thin, flexible tube called a catheter into the affected artery, and then direct a laser to the site of the blockage. The team then apply laser energy to break down the plaque, allowing the artery to widen and improve blood flow. Laser angioplasty is often used along with other treatments, such as stent placement, to help keep the artery open and reduce the risk of re-blockage.

This minimally invasive procedure is a valuable option for patients with atherosclerosis (the build-up of fat, cholesterol, or other substances in and on the artery walls) or other vascular conditions, as it can help alleviate symptoms like chest pain (angina) and reduce the risk of serious complications such as heart attacks or strokes.

What is the step-by-step procedure for laser angioplasty?

The first thing you need to do is consult a vascular specialist or an interventional cardiologist to get an idea about the exact nature of your problem. Then, the doctors will decide on the treatment strategy considering your health and medical conditions. 

Once the treatment plan is chalked out, your treatment will start. Here are the general steps involved in the procedure:

you will be prepared for the procedure in an operating room or catheterization lab. This may involve cleaning and sterilizing the area where the catheter will be inserted, commonly in the groin or wrist.

The area where the catheter will be inserted is numbed with a local anesthetic to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

Your doctor will insert a thin, flexible tube called a catheter into the artery through a small incision. The catheter is carefully guided through the blood vessels using X-ray or other imaging techniques until it reaches the site of the blockage.

Once the doctor positions the catheter, a laser fiber is advanced through the catheter to the blockage site. The laser is then activated, delivering energy to the plaque or blockage. The laser energy vaporizes or breaks down the plaque, opening up the narrowed artery.

Throughout the procedure, the healthcare team monitors the patient’s vital signs and the treatment progress using imaging equipment.

In some cases, Your doctor may opt for a stent angioplasty after laser angioplasty. 

Once the procedure is complete, the doctors remove the catheter carefully and apply pressure to the insertion site to prevent bleeding. The incision is typically small and may not require sutures.

After the procedure, patients are monitored in a recovery area for some time. They may need to lie flat and keep the leg or arm with the catheter insertion site still for a few hours to allow the blood vessel to heal.

Patients will have follow-up appointments with their healthcare provider to monitor their progress and ensure the treated artery remains open and functioning properly.

What is the success rate of Laser angioplasty?

The success rate of laser angioplasty can vary depending on the specific case and the condition of your arteries. In general, laser angioplasty is successful in opening up narrowed or blocked arteries in a significant percentage of cases. Generally, success is defined as achieving a satisfactory increase in blood flow through the treated artery without any major complications during the procedure.

As per research, the angiographic success rate is 80% in patients treated with laser angioplasty while it is 79% in patients treated with balloon angioplasty.

cardiac laser angioplasty
risk factor for laser angioplasty

What are the risk factors for laser angioplasty?

Though laser angioplasty is a comparatively safe procedure, it is not without some risks:

  • Bleeding

There can be bleeding at the catheter insertion site.

  • Artery Damage 

Laser energy might harm the artery wall.

  • Infection 

Infection at the catheter entry point is possible.

  • Allergic Reactions

Some people may have allergies to contrast dye used during the procedure.

  • Blood Clots

Clots may form in the treated artery.

  • Restenosis 

The artery can narrow again after laser angioplasty.

  • Stroke 

Rarely, particles dislodged during the procedure may cause a stroke.

  • Heart Attack

In some cases, it can trigger a heart attack.

Remember, these risks are assessed by your medical team, and they take measures to minimize them during the procedure. Always discuss potential risks and benefits with your healthcare provider.

What is the difference between laser angioplasty and stent?

Laser angioplasty is a surgical procedure and a stent angioplasty is a permanent implant. Check this table to understand them better:

Laser Angioplasty Stent angioplasty
Laser angioplasty is a medical procedure that uses a laser to remove or vaporize blockages in blood vessels. A stent is a small, mesh-like tube made of metal or plastic that is placed inside a narrowed or blocked artery
It involves inserting a catheter with a laser fiber into the blocked artery. It acts as a scaffold to keep the artery open and improve blood flow
The laser emits intense light energy to break down or remove the plaque buildup Stents are permanent implants and remain in the artery once inserted
Laser angioplasty is primarily used to open up narrow or blocked arteries, but it doesn’t leave a permanent implant in the vessel They are often used in conjunction with angioplasty, where a balloon is inflated to widen the artery, and then the stent is placed to maintain the widened shape.
laser angioplasty
laser angioplasty in India

Laser Angioplasty in India?

The first laser angioplasty in India was successfully done by one of the renowned cardiologists Dr. Arun Kalyanasundaram in 2021. 

After the success of the procedure Dr. Arun said, “Using this technology, we will now be able to treat more patients who deserve world-class care. This advancement in technology in India will raise the standards for cardiac treatments and pave for better quality treatment for cardiac patients across the country.”

And that was the beginning of a revolution in cardiac issues treatment in India. What’s more, India is a viable option for those who are looking for medical tourism as it provides the best of the world medical facilities cost-effectively. 

If you are planning to do your laser angioplasty look no further than MedicoExperts. You can avail world-class healthcare solutions with MedicoExperts. Our platform connects you with leading medical experts and state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring you receive the best care and treatment options tailored to your needs. Experience a healthier tomorrow with MedicoExperts by your side.

What is the cost of laser angioplasty in India?

The cost of laser angioplasty in India differs in different cities. But the approximate cost is 1,14,000 INR ($1,370.39) – 2,61,250 INR ($3,140.52). In the US the cost is around 2241626 INR  ($26,945.79). 

On the other hand, in Germany, the cost is around 1290000 INR ($15,505.34). In Asian countries like South Korea and Singapore, the cost is approximately 1406978 INR ($16,909.65) and 1065170 INR (12,801.89).

cost of laser angioplasty


There is no doubt that Laser angioplasty in India has emerged as a promising and advanced medical procedure for treating narrowed or blocked arteries. With its minimally invasive approach and the expertise of highly trained medical professionals, patients have access to cutting-edge technology that can help restore blood flow and improve their health.

Most importantly, the availability of state-of-the-art healthcare facilities and the relatively lower cost compared to many Western and Asian countries make India an attractive destination for patients seeking laser angioplasty. 

However, it’s crucial to do thorough research, choose a reputable healthcare facility, and consult with experienced specialists to ensure the best possible outcome.

At MedicoExperts, we know that you want the best-of-class treatment at a reasonable cost. However, to get that, you need to choose the right doctor and the right hospital.

We understand that finding the right treatment facility is a daunting task and we aim to make it easy for you. 

We have successfully served more than 10200 patients from 17 countries and are able to save 5% to 25%  of the cost without compromising the quality of health service.

To know more about how we can help you live a healthier life and our services contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions and patient concerns:

Q. What are the pre-treatment steps for Tomotherapy?

A. Before starting Tomotherapy treatment, your care team will conduct a thorough medical evaluation to determine if this is the right treatment option for you. This may include imaging tests (such as CT scans) to accurately map out the tumor’s position and size. Additionally, radiation therapy planning may also be done to ensure the most accurate radiation delivery.

Best Doctors for Laser Angioplasty in India

Best Hospitals for Laser Angioplasty in India

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MedicoExperts is having a network of highly experienced super specialist doctors and well equipped hospitals across the globe and offering second opinion through online video consultation and surgical interventions through its empanelled super specialist doctors at its network hospitals in 17 countries from 3 continents.
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Most suitable for patients who are looking for:-
  • Planned Surgeries and treatment from most experienced doctors and at multiple cost options as per hospital facilities with best possible outcomes.
  • Second Opinion from expert doctors.
  • Complex cases involving multi specialities
  • International patients looking for treatment from Indian doctors

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Author Bio:

Dr. Khushbu Jain

Dr. Khushbu Jain is a dedicated professional with a passion for advancing healthcare through cutting-edge treatments. She has a special interest in researching regenerative medicine and advanced treatment for diseases that are difficult to treat with conventional treatment options. Her deep understanding of these progressive treatments allows her to offer patients personalized and effective solutions for a variety of health concerns.

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