New forms of treatment for prostate cancer, such as robotic prostate cancer surgery in India, bring new hopes for patients all over the world.
The new methods of treatment are not only cost-effective but also help in faster recovery from prostate cancer.
The prostate gland is important for the production of semen and improving the motility of sperm. The small walnut-shaped gland is located in the pelvis of men, and cancer that develops in the prostate gland is prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer that occurs in men.
While some cancerous growths increase slowly, other cancers are aggressive and can spread quickly to other organs. However, screening the disease at an early stage by consulting with an expert oncologist can help in ensuring effective treatment.
Causes of Prostate Cancer
The exact causes of prostate cancer are not clear. Doctors can only state that they recognize prostate cancer by checking for abnormal behaviour in the cells in your prostate.
The mutations in the DNA of the abnormal cells result in rapid growth and division of the abnormal cells as compared to normal cells.
Subsequently, the newly formed abnormal cells can accumulate to form a tumour that continues to grow and invade surrounding tissue. In certain cases, the abnormal cells can metastasize and spread to other organs.
Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer
Although the causes of prostate cancer are not clear, the risk factors for the disease are as follows.
- Age is a prominent risk factor as the risk of prostate cancer multiplies with growth in age.
- Even though the reasons are not clear, black men tend to have a higher risk of prostate cancer as compared to men of other races. Furthermore, the risk of aggressive prostate cancer is more in the case of black men.
- Any individual with men in the family having prostate cancer is at higher risk of having prostate cancer. In addition, if you have a strong family history of prostate cancer, the risk of prostate cancer becomes high.
- Obesity is not directly linked as a risk factor for prostate cancer. However, obese men with prostate cancer generally are in the advanced stage of the disease.
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
The symptoms of prostate cancer are not clearly visible in the early stages. However, you could find the following symptoms in the advanced stages of prostate cancer.
- Trouble in urinating.
- Frequent urination
- Impulse to urinate often at night
- Discomfort and pain in the pelvic area.
- Erectile dysfunction.
- Difficulty in starting, stopping or maintaining a steady flow during urination.
- Blood in urine.
- Blood in semen.
- Pain or a burning sensation with urination or ejaculation.
Treatment of Prostate Cancer
The treatment for prostate cancer depends on the stage of cancer, the extent of the spread of the disease, and the size and location of cancer. Some of the common forms of prostate cancer treatment in India and other countries all over the world are,

- Radiation therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Hormone therapy
- Immunotherapy
- Cryotherapy
- Radiofrequency ablation.
Increasing Popularity of Robot-aided Prostatectomy
However, robotic prostatectomy has become popular in recent times due to its advantages as compared to traditional surgery.
One of the foremost reasons for the popularity of robotic surgery for the treatment of prostate cancer is the high level of precision for operation when compared with traditional surgery.
The dose of radiation is lower in robotic prostatectomy, thereby reducing any side effects.
Patients can recover faster with robotic surgery for the treatment of prostate cancer. As a result, patients don’t have to stay longer in the hospital. Subsequently, the patient incurs lower costs in robotic prostatectomy as compared to traditional surgery.
Robotic prostatectomy in India is also known for the highest success rate when compared with other treatment options. Robotic prostatectomy is known to significantly increase the life expectancy of the patient.
According to a study by the European Association of Urology in 2015, prostate cancer survival rates are higher for patients undergoing surgery than patients undergoing other forms of treatment such as hormonal therapy and radiotherapy.
The study shows that the survival rate among patients undergoing prostatectomy was 83%, while the survival rate for patients undergoing radiotherapy is 75%.
Cancer surgeons use a robotic surgical system for conducting prostatectomy in this method. The robotic systems generally contain the following components.
- Surgeon’s console with ergonomic design.
- Four interactive robot arms.
- High-performance vision system for obtaining a three-dimensional high definition view of the patient’s body.
- Endowrist instruments which can bend and rotate flexibly.
- Patient cart.
The most common surgical system used for robot-aided prostatectomy is the Da Vinci robot, which was approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in 2000.
Benefits of Robotic Prostate Cancer Surgery
The benefits of robot-assisted prostatectomy also present reasonable pointers to choose it as a promising option for treating prostate cancer. Here are the notable advantages of robot-assisted prostatectomy over traditional surgery.
- The minimally invasive procedure leads to limited chances of infection and scarring.
- Minimal loss of blood
- Minimal use of anaesthesia for the surgical procedure.
- Shorter hospital stays for the patient.
- Faster restoration and improvement of sexual functions.
- Early return from incontinence.
- Reduction in pain and discomfort.
- Limited trauma and faster recovery.
- Faster resuming of normal activities.
- Reducing the risks of deep vein thrombosis.
- Limited damage to the physical appearance of patients.
Besides the above-mentioned benefits for the patients, robotic prostatectomy also provided the oncologists with better vision to perform the procedure with better accuracy and precision. The best onco-surgeons in India are highly proficient and experienced in handling the latest technology.
Dealing with prostate cancer is a very complex effort without the support of competent medical assistance. Prostate cancer, like any other disease, is treatable.
Most important of all, you have the option of choosing robotic prostatectomy which is a highly successful treatment.
If you or anyone you know has prostate cancer, then you can try looking for the best facilities for robotic prostatectomy in India right now!