Do you know that almost 50% of men having premature ejaculation benefit from a specific exercise?
Premature ejaculation can spoil your sexual life. You may feel sad and disturbed about your sexual performance. It may damage your family life and your professional life.
Are you looking out for ways to tackle this problem without any side effects?
Kegel exercise can help you to cure premature ejaculation. It helps to strengthen your pelvic muscles and control your sexual action by sustaining your erection.
Kegel exercise for improving sexual performance
1. What is Kegel exercise for preventing premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation can be caused by underlying health issues like diabetes and hypertension. Overall good health condition is responsible for proper sexual health.
The penile muscles get strengthened due to kegel exercise. These penile muscles are responsible for a perfect erection during sexual intercourse.
ReGain Maxx- an ayurvedic medicine that also helps to build up your stamina, boost testosterone levels and prevent premature ejaculation
The steps involved in the Kegel exercise
- You should lie on your back and keep your arms on the side.
- Bend your knees and point them upwards.
- Tighten your pelvic muscle for 5 seconds and then relax
- Do these steps 10 times and then relax
2. What is the squeezing exercise for preventing premature ejaculation?

Squeeze exercise also strengthens your pelvic and penile muscles.
The following are the steps for the Squeeze exercise
- You should lie down on your either left or right side
- Keep a pillow between your legs so that your legs are spread apart
- Squeeze your legs for 5 seconds and then relax
- Do the exercise 10 times and relax
3. What is the benefit of doing the kegel exercise?

Kegel exercise can be very effective in preventing premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.
Kegel exercise can be very beneficial even if your prostate glands have been removed or you suffer from diabetes.
Kegel exercises can strengthen pelvic muscles. Muscles that control your ejaculation, urinary continence, and bowel movement also gain a lot of control, strength, and power.
4. What to do if you are unable to do Kegel exercises?

The best thing is to go to a doctor if you are unable to do the Kegel exercise.
He will perform a biofeedback test by inserting a probe into the rectum. He will check the activity of the pelvic muscles in the monitor after inserting the probe.
If you are unable to do Kegel exercises you can try Ayurvedic Supplement like ReGain Plus which helps to prevent premature ejaculation
5. What is the side effect of doing the Kegel exercise?

Kegel exercise should be done a specific number of times in a day
If, somebody does it with force or too many times in a day, then he can overtighten the pelvic floor muscles, causing them to hypertonic (muscle stiffness).
It should be remembered that only weak or hypotonic pelvic muscle floor needs Kegel exercise to strengthen it.
Conclusion :
Kegel exercise helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and help in preventing premature ejaculation.
It helps to sustain an erection.
You can last for a long time in bed and perform intercourse with ultimate pleasure.
Along with the Kegel exercise, if you take ReGain Maxx – an ayurvedic medicine to prevent premature ejaculation, you can be very sure of pleasurable and long-lasting sexual intercourse.
Buy ReGain Maxx to cure premature ejaculation
Q1. How long can the average man stay erect?
Ans: An average man can stay erect for 5-6 minutes. But it varies from person to person
Q2. What causes early ejaculation?
Ans: Early ejaculation can be caused mainly due to weak functioning of the pelvic floor muscles and the penile muscles.
Q3. How can I permanently cure premature ejaculation naturally?
Ans: Premature ejaculation can be cured by doing Kegel exercise and taking ReGain Plus.
Q4. which exercise is best for premature ejaculation?
Ans: Kegel exercise and Squeeze exercise are the best exercises for preventing premature ejaculation.