Are you curious which is the right treatment option for you to correct Erectile dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is one of the most ignored disorders even though it can be addressed in very simple ways at the initial stages. However, most people ignore the symptoms or get confused with normal stress-related issues. Sometimes people are not able to act due to shyness or in absence of the right information.
Besides active sexual life, Erectile dysfunction should not be ignored because of the following reasons.
- Many times ED is an early symptom of other diseases such as blood flow-related issues. ED can be instrumental in the early diagnosis of forthcoming health issues.
- Untreated ED slowly and gradually starts impacting the self-confidence and self-esteem of men which further starts impacting day-to-day personal and professional life.
With the right actions at the right time, you can avoid not only many forthcoming medical issues but also live life without missing one of the most important parts of life i.e. sexual life.
Scope of this blog to make you aware of all the treatment options right from simple lifestyle changes to advanced stem cell therapies along with the pros and cons of each treatment option.
By the time you complete the reading, you will have a clear roadmap to guide you on moving forward irrespective of how old the ED problem is and how many times you have failed to correct the disorder.
Before we start the discussion, Let’s first understand what the ED is and what are the factors one should consider while choosing a treatment option.

Important Factors to consider before choosing option for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment which is right for you.
The following factors will help you to make an informed decision for choosing the right treatment options for you.
These are the factors that will definitely come to your mind at some point in time. So it’s better to consider these factors proactively before taking any decision.
1. Sustainability ( Short term vs Long Term results):
You should definitely understand whether the results generated by treatment or medicine are going to be temporary, short-lived, or have an effect for the long term. There are a few products/ medications which are effective, ranging from 1 time to 1 month to a few months to a few years.
What’s really important is that you should know which treatment option will remain effective for how many days/months or years.
Most people believe to go for options with long-lasting effects.
2. Waiting time for results:
Waiting time is one of the crucial parameters for ED treatment. There are some options which give results in a couple of hours and there are few which will give results in months.
Typically people want fast results as long as there are no side effects and results are comparable. This is another factor like cost which should be considered with results before choosing any option.
3. Natural feeling Vs Artificial feeling:
Anything which doesn’t give a natural feeling before and during sex is typically what people tend to avoid. Any treatment option which gives the natural feeling is better as sexual intercourse is not just a mechanical exercise but a blend of an emotional and physical activity that gives required satisfaction.
Again, condoms are a good example. Few males try to avoid it because of a lack of natural feelings.
4. Side Effects:
You should consider the possible side effects as one of the considerations before choosing a treatment option. Anything – products/medicine/therapy which has a high probability to cause bigger damage to the body in the short term or in the long run are definitely better to avoid.
5. Cost:
The treatment cost is an important factor that you should keep in mind. Anything which is costly and not affordable, people tend to avoid that.
However, there are few people who believe results are more important than cost. However, what fits your budget and fulfills your needs is what is definitely recommended.
6. Dependency building on treatment:
Any product/medicine/therapy starts making your sexual life dependent on them. Slowly and gradually you will realize that you are not able to perform without them at all.
In general, people tend to avoid products that have a tendency to make you dependent.
These products are like an addiction. You first take some substances for temporary joy and later you can’t live without them.
7. Ease of Use:
Another factor to compare is how easy or difficult to use the product/medicines/ treatment option. Pills and medicines are generally considered easy to use whereas devices that need to perform something just before the sex are considered a disruption in a flow.
At times, people consider wearing a condom also a disruption in the flow.
Different Options for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment with their pros and cons
Let’s evaluate all the different treatment options spread across Allopathy, Ayurvedic, and Stem cell therapy on the basis of factors discussed above.
You will get to understand the treatment option along with a comparative analysis.
1. Exercise and lifestyle modification:

This is the most common type of treatment that most people want and should try first before going for the actual treatment. This option is a combination of exercises, diet, and daily routine. Even If the ED is an early symptom of forthcoming lifestyle diseases, the lifestyle changes will start proactively addressing them.
If you want to read more about this treatment option, you can visit Exercises to reverse erectile dysfunction (ED)
Analysis of “Exercise and lifestyle modification” based on the important consideration factors
This is a very good form of treatment in your early stages of erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. However, if you are having erectile dysfunction for a very long time or due to some other problems, this mechanism may not give results to you.
- Sustainability: This mechanism is going to give long-lasting results. Rather, it will have other positive benefits on the whole body and keep you away from many other lifestyle diseases.
- Waiting time for results: This treatment is very slow in nature and will start showing visible results in three to six months depending upon your body current shape. Moreover, you must have to be consistent in maintaining your changed lifestyle.
- Natural feeling Vs Artificial feeling: Once you cure your inability with lifestyle changes, your experience is going to be as natural as it has always been.
- Side Effects: A healthy lifestyle can never have any negative side effects. All you should expect is the positive side effects.
- Cost: There is no recurring cost for Erectile dysfunction treatment if you treat it with lifestyle changes.
- Dependency building on treatment: Dependency on lifestyle will definitely be there. However, this is a good dependency to have as a healthy lifestyle is good for your overall health.
- Ease of Use: There might be some inconvenience to change your lifestyle initially. However, once the new lifestyle is adopted, you would see the changes in natural abilities and nothing different you need to do specifically for Erectile dysfunction.
2. Ayurvedic treatment:

Ayurveda is based on correcting the root cause of the problem in a subtle and sustained manner. Unlike Allopathy, this age-old Indian science of medicines works slowly and doesn’t work to suppress the symptoms immediately.
Ayurveda has identified sexual wellness problems and recommended certain natural medicines and supplements many centuries ago. Some of the ayurvedic medicine and supplements that aid the treatment of ED are Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, Gokhru, Shatavari, and Kaunch beej.
However, the quality of supplements and the proportion of the supplements is very important for long-term sustained results.
If you want to know more about this option, please visit Ayurvedic treatment for Erectile dysfunction
Analysis of “Ayurvedic treatment” based on the important consideration factors
- Sustainability: Ayurvedic medicine is a holistic, whole-body approach to health. Ayurvedic treatment treats the disease from the root cause. The results achieved are long-lasting and sustainable.
- Waiting time for results: Ayurvedic treatment is very slow in nature and will start showing visible results in two to eight months depending upon your body current shape.
- Natural feeling Vs Artificial feeling: Once your root cause of the problem is cured, you will be going to experience the sexual performance as natural as it was always been. Lifestyle corrections will further avoid any deterioration to sexual function due to it.
- Side Effects: Ayurvedic medication and treatment are natural and herbal and have no side effects. The only point you keep as caution is that you are buying only organic supplements.
- Cost: Ayurvedic medicines are affordable. Availability of medicine and supplements is also not an issue at least in India.
- Dependency building on treatment: Once the root cause is corrected and you are out of erectile dysfunction, you will not have any dependency on these supplements. However, your ongoing lifestyle may deteriorate your sexual function in the future. You can rule out this possibility by appropriate corrections in lifestyle.
- Ease of Use: Ayurvedic medicine is very easy to consume as it is in tablet, powder, and liquid form. They are easy to consume.
3. PDE5 inhibitors – Allopathy:

PDE5 inhibitors, such as Viagra, have traditionally been used to treat Erectile Dysfunction. Nonetheless, these medications are among the most controversial on the market. They relax the blood vessel walls in specific areas of the body, and while they are usually effective in treating ED, they are associated with both minor and serious side effects.
Analysis of “PDE5 inhibitors” based on the important consideration factors
- Sustainability: The effects of these medicines last for a few hours. Once the effect is diluted the blood vessels come back to their normal shape. Their effect typically lasts for a session.
- Waiting time for results: These medicines take a couple of hours to become effective. This means that you need to plan your sex session at least a couple of hours in advance. You can’t get a spontaneous erection with these medicines.
- Natural feeling Vs Artificial feeling: Since these medicines work on blood flow, the sex experience is going to be natural.
- Side Effects: Nasal congestion, vision impairment and light sensitivity, indigestion, and headaches are all common side effects. Painful and long-lasting erections, optic nerve damage, hearing loss, and heart attack are among the more serious side effects.
- Cost: These medicines are no more costly these days. In Particular, their generic versions are pretty affordable. However, the recurring cost is going to be there as you need to have a pill before every session. This is a possibility that you may need higher doses in the future and hence the recurring cost will increase with time.
- Dependency building on treatment: Yes, these molecules will make you dependent on them. Once you are habitual, you would not be able to perform sex without a pill. Moreover, doses will also increase with time as the initial dose may not be able to give the same effect after 6 months to a year.
- Ease of Use: It’s relatively easy to use as it’s just a pill that you need to consume a couple of hours before your sex session. The only discomfort would be planning a session as you may not have a spontaneous erection at wish.
4. Penis pump:

A penis pump consists of a plastic tube that fits over the penis, a hand or battery-powered pump attached to the tube, and a band that fits around the base of the penis once it is erect. It will give unnatural-feeling erections and manual coordination required to use the pump.
Analysis of “Penis pump” based on the important consideration factors
- Sustainability: The effects of this pump last till the point contract band is intact. As soon as you remove the band, the blood will go back to the body. So the effect typically lasts for a session or till the contract band is not removed.
- Waiting time for results: You need to apply a pump to create a vacuum and blood enters in the penis by the suction mechanism. If the pump is battery operated, it may take a few minutes whereas a few more minutes in the case of a manual pump.
- Natural feeling Vs Artificial feeling: People don’t feel natural feelings as this erection is achieved mechanically and lasts till the contraction band is in place. Spontaneous erection is not a possibility with this pump. At times, people feel numbness in Penis due to the contraction band as it blocks the blood flow.
- Side Effects: The risk of penis pump was you’re at an increased risk of bleeding if you take blood-thinning medications. A penis pump might not be safe if you have sickle cell anemia or another blood disorder. These conditions can make you susceptible to blood clots or bleeding. Some of the other side effects of the penis pump are pinpoint-sized red dots, numbness, coldness or bluish-colored skin, pain, and feeling of trapped semen.
- Cost: The cost is one time in nature and varies depending upon the features of the pump. For example, battery-operated pumps are costlier than manual pumps. Remote-operated pumps are further costlier. There are no recurring costs besides the battery cost if you choose to go for battery-operated.
- Dependency building on treatment: Yes, dependency on the pump will remain there. Since it’s a mechanical suction procedure, there is no chance of spontaneous erection at wish. However, after some time the body will get habitual of suction mechanisms, and slowly time required for the pump will increase slowly and in long run may not remain effective.
- Ease of Use: In ease of use, the Penis pump rates are very low as you have to apply a pump for erection. It definitely breaks the flow and the process acts as disruption in your sex session.
5. Penile implant:

A penile implant is a surgical procedure in which a discrete device is placed into a man’s penis and is designed to help him get an erection.
Analysis of “Penile implant” based on the important consideration factors
- Sustainability: The biggest advantage of penile implants is that they offer a more long-lasting solution in comparison to other allopathic medicines and devices. The effects of the surgery last from 6 months to a decade depending upon the implants which are used.
- Waiting time for results: You can achieve fast results using a penile implant that won’t interfere with intimate moments. You can achieve an erection in just 15 seconds, anytime you want it, by engaging the implanted pump and you can maintain the erection for as long as you want.
- Natural feeling Vs Artificial feeling: Since a device is used for erection, so no natural feeling of erection, and this erection is not driven by emotions.
- Side Effects: There is no surgery that is totally free of possible complications. Complications associated with penile implants include Infection, Scar tissue formation, pump or reservoir displacement, and mechanical failure.
- Cost: It is the costlier treatment among all the treatments that may vary depending upon the implant use and the hospital and can range between $3,500 to $14,000.
- Dependency building on treatment: Yes, you have to manually operate the device every time for an erection.
- Ease of Use: There’s no special technology you need to use to achieve an erection. The implanted pump makes it easy to operate the device discreetly, whenever you’re ready. To inflate the prosthesis, you only need to press on the pump.
6. Stem cell therapy for Erectile Dysfunction:

Stem cells have the ability to self-renew or generate any other cell type in the body, they help to promote tissue regeneration and healing. None of the other cells have these extraordinary abilities. They can thus promote the repair of almost any type of damaged or injured tissue when used properly.
Stem cell therapy is a promising new treatment for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) that has recently emerged. Men who had ED improved their erectile function, despite the fact that all previous treatments had failed. The treatment has also shown promising results in improving erections in men with erectile dysfunction (ED) caused by underlying medical conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure.
If you want to know more about this mechanism, please visit Stem cell therapy for Erectile dysfunction
Analysis of “Stem cell therapy” based on the important consideration factors
- Sustainability: The stem cell is the most advanced and latest treatment for erectile dysfunction. Stem cell therapy shows sustainable results for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Definitely, a healthy lifestyle will boost and increase the longevity of the therapy.
- Waiting time for results: Stem cell treatment starts showing results in between one month to three months. But you can see the improvement signs earlier also.
- Natural feeling Vs Artificial feeling: After stem cell therapy you will have natural feelings in sexual activity.
- Side Effects: There are no side effects of stem cell treatment as in stem cell therapy your own cells are used for the treatment.
- Cost: The cost of stem cells per cycle is around $2000. The stem cell expert may evaluate you and may recommend a few more supportive therapies and medications. Since these therapies are tailor-made, the exact cost can be arrived at after consulting with the stem cell expert.
- Dependency building on treatment: Stem cells work at the cell level. Once you have rejuvenated your sexual function, there would not be any dependency on treatment on day to day basis.
- Ease of Use: Once the treatment is done, there is nothing special you have to do before any sex session.
If you have recently started noticing the symptoms of premature ejaculations and erectile dysfunction, you should start working on your lifestyle and make a serious attempt to rejuvenate the whole body with lifestyle modification.
Healthy and timely eating, regular exercises, lowering the stress levels, and correcting the biological clocks with the sun are a few of the very simple measures which can give long-lasting sustained results in all aspects of your body including your sexual functional capabilities.
If you want to know more about this mechanism, please visit.:
If you are not able to work or correct the lifestyle with a good stress-free routine then you should try ayurvedic supplements as the next steps. If you are not having any other problems the ayurvedic supplements will give you long-lasting results without any side effects.
If you want to know more about this mechanism, please visit.:
If you are an erectile dysfunction patient for a very long time and have tried everything else you should go for stem cell therapy.
If you want to know more about this mechanism, please visit.:
Use allopathic medication (PDE5 inhibitors) and penis pumps only in case of emergency usage.
Surgeries like penile implants must only be in specific cases where your surgeon suggests it as the only option. However, before concluding in this direction, you should definitely take a second opinion from a Stem cell therapy expert if it can give you benefit.
If you are still not sure which is the right treatment for you, you can click below for guidance.
What is the current status of Stem cell therapy from the regulatory framework?
The stem cell-based therapy is in the research phase and not yet formally approved by ICMR. However, the application of stem cells, popularly known as bone marrow transplants, in blood-related disorders is approved by ICMR.