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According to WHO prostate cancer is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide.

Many men are not getting the treatment in right time just because they are not able to recognize the warning signs of prostate cancer well in time.

The warning signs of prostate cancer differ with disease stage, individual’s health profile, and other organs adjacent to the gland. 

Not all signs may indicate cancer and one must consult the doctor before landing to a conclusion, as some other medical conditions also result in similar symptoms. 

Careful analysis of any warning signs is a must to confirm prostate cancer.

Let’s first understand what prostate is and what its functions are.

What is the prostate, and why is it important?

The prostate is a little and soft gland. It is typically about the size of a walnut. It is smooth and soft to the touch and weighs about 30 grams. The prostate is located deep within the pelvis between the penis and the bladder.

The function of prostate


  • Semen production

Prostate important function is the production of seminal fluid, which is a component of semen. About 20–30% of the fluid volume of the total volume of semen comes from the prostate. 

The remainder are derived from the seminal vesicles (50–65%) and testicles (5%), respectively..


  • Urethral closure during ejaculation


The prostate contracts during ejaculation and squirts prostatic fluid into the urethra. The fluid from the seminal vesicles and sperm cells combine here to form semen, which the body then excretes.

During ejaculation, the prostate contracts and closes the urethral-bladder opening, forcing semen quickly through. Because of this, it is not possible to urinate and ejaculate at the same time in typical anatomical circumstances.

Additionally, it influence hormone production and controls urine flow.

In particular, older men frequently experience prostate issues. Prostate cancer, enlargement of the prostate, and inflammation of the prostate are the most common.

What are the causes of prostate cancer?

The exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown but doctors are able to find out that prostate cancer starts when prostate cells change their DNA.

The changes instruct the cells to multiply and grow faster than usual. When other cells would die, the abnormal cells continue to exist.

The abnormal cells build up into a tumour, which can spread to invade nearby tissue. Over time, some abnormal cells may separate and “metastasize” (spread) to other areas of the body.

Let’s understand the warning signs of prostate cancer.

Warning signs and symptoms of prostate cancer in different stages

Prostate gland cancer is one of the most common types of cancer faced by males. In early-stage prostate cancer not always results in clear signs, but some symptoms can indicate some issue with the prostate gland.

There are three main stages of prostate cancer and subsequent warning signs including early warning symptoms of prostate cancer, signs of advanced prostate cancer, and signs of recurrent prostate cancer.

What are the early warning signs of prostate cancer?

Due to the close proximity of the prostate gland with the urethra and bladder, the cancer of the prostate can induce several urinary symptoms as early warning signs. Based on the site and size of the tumor, it may restrict the urine flow by pressing the urethra.

Few warning signs of early-stage prostate cancer may comprise:

  • Blood in semen
  • Frequent urination at the night
  • Painful ejaculation
  • No control on bladder
  • Blood in urine
  • Pain or burning sensation during urination
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Difficulty in urinating
  • Reduced flow of urine
  • Discomfort while sitting, due to enlarged prostate

What are the warning signs and symptoms of advanced-stage prostate cancer?

Advanced stage or metastatic prostate cancer can spread and develop tumors in adjacent bones in organs. If the disease spreads to the spine, this can damage spinal nerves. 

Some advanced stage prostate cancer symptoms are:

  • Persistent pain in bones, which could result in fractures
  • Pain or numbness in feet, legs or hips
  • Swelling in pelvic region or legs
  • Swelling or fluid buildup in the legs or feet
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Change in bowel habits

However, the signs of prostate gland cancer sometimes differ from individual to individual.

One of the most common symptoms of recurrent prostate gland cancer is increased levels of PSA in the bloodstream, hence regular PSA screening in the blood is important to monitor the treatment progress and detect any recurrence sign. In case a patient experience any signs, he should report to the doctor immediately.

What are the warning signs of prostate cancer recurrence?

Recurrent prostate cancer refers reversal of the disease after complete treatment. If the cancer is contained within the gland it is called as local recurrence, but if it spreads to other parts also then classified as metastatic recurrence. Metastatic prostate gland cancer often spreads to the lungs, bones, and liver.

After receiving the treatment for prostate gland cancer, the levels of PSA in the bloodstream drop considerably. Any increase in PSA levels is the first symptom of recurrent prostate gland cancer, while other signs depend on the spread sites. 

Warning signs of prostate cancer recurrence include:

  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Jaundice
  • Lower back pain
  • Blood in the urine
  • Difficulty breathing

Sometimes prostate gland’s noncancerous conditions, such as enlarged prostate or BPH, may cause similar signs. Also, other medical conditions may result in similar signs and are not necessarily linked to cancer. Some urinary signs may be induced by bladder or other infections.

8 ways you can do to lower your risk for prostate cancer

Prostate cancer risk can be decreased by:

  1. Pick a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables:A variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains should be consumed. Numerous vitamins and nutrients found in fruits and vegetables can benefit your health.

    It has not yet been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that diet can prevent prostate cancer. However, eating a balanced diet that includes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables can enhance your general health.

  2.  Select nutritious foods over supplements: Eat foods high in vitamins and minerals to keep your body’s vitamin levels at healthy levels. Though there is no evidence that supplements can lower your risk of developing prostate cancer.  
  3. Exercise on a regular basis: Exercise enhances your general health, supports weight maintenance, and elevates your mood. On most days of the week, try to exercise. Start out slowly if you’ve never exercised before, and gradually increase your daily exercise time.
  4. Keep a healthy weight: If your weight is healthy right now, make an effort to keep it that way by eating well and working out most days of the week. Add more exercise and cut back on your daily calorie intake if you need to lose weight. Consult your doctor for assistance in developing a plan for safe weight loss. Maintaining a healthy weight will work as a prevention step. 
  5. Reduce your alcohol consumption and stop smoking: Lowering your risk of developing cancer is just one benefit of quitting smoking. And if you do drink, do so sparingly. According to some studies, red wine has antioxidant qualities that may be good for your health.
  6. Increase your Vitamin D intake: Vitamin D intake is typically insufficient in most people. It can aid in preventing many different conditions, including prostate cancer. Fish, mushrooms, cow’s milk, soy milk, orange juice, cereals, and oatmeal are some foods high in vitamin D.

    Many experts advise getting 10 minutes of daily sun exposure (without sunscreen) because it is a better and more accessible source of vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements are frequently advised by doctors.

  7. Stay Sexually Active: According to studies, men who ejaculate more frequently (with or without a sexual partner) are up to two thirds less likely to be given a prostate cancer diagnosis.

    Although research is still being done, some experts believe that ejaculation helps the body get rid of toxins and other things that might otherwise cause inflammation.

  8. Consult with doctor if you have elevated risk of prostate cancer: If your risk of developing prostate cancer is very high, you and your doctor may discuss taking medications or undergoing other treatments to lower that risk.


Proactive Knowledge and Information about prostate cancer is the best tool to avoid prostate cancer. 

You should be constantly observing the symptoms. If you observe one or more symptoms, you should consult to Urologist. Your Urologist will guide you to zero down the problem.

However, there are many cases where men with prostate cancer had no symptoms at all. An abnormal finding on a routine screening exam (like a digital rectal exam or PSA test) is frequently the first sign of the disease. 

You should include a PSA test in your periodic health checkups once you cross the age of 50.

If you want to read about prostate cancer treatment please visit prostate cancer treatment options page.


Is prostate cancer curable in India?

Yes, prostate cancer is very well treated, and with excellent success rates. 

How to test for prostate cancer?

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels in the blood are determined by a blood test known as a PSA test. The prostate produces a substance called PSA. 

Men with prostate cancer may have higher blood PSA concentrations. Other prostate-related conditions can also cause the PSA level to rise.

What kind of pain does prostate cancer cause?

– Pain in the bones, 
– Dull or deep pain in your pelvis,
– Stiffness in your pelvis
– Lower back pain, ribs, or upper thighs pain.

Can you live without a prostate?

Although vital for reproduction, the prostate is not necessary for survival.

Author: MedicoExperts

A Global Virtual Hospital

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